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Professional Resources to make your own Hackney Wild Walks!

Here are some images of Hackney Wild Walks that can be used to promote kids here getting outdoors and wild... Please credit images "Outdoor People/#HackneyWildWalks" [gallery type="slideshow" ids="1491,1518,1517,1516,1515,1514,1513,1512,1511,1510,1509,1508,1507,1506,1504,1503,1502,1501,1500,1499,1498,1497,1496,1495,1494,1493,1492,1490,1489,1488,1487,1486,1485,1484,1483,1482,1481,1480,1479,1478,1477,1476,1475,1474,1473,1472,1471,1505"] If you would like the full size images for print use please email: info@outdoorpeople.org.uk There are more photos of the individual walks over on the blogs: These are links to resources that can help in preparing for a walk, whether with your family or with children you work with: And don't forget Google Maps to map your own walk! Please do share below if you have other resources - one of the best bits about the walks was the fantastic ideas everyone shared about how to encourage families to get outdoors... The next presentation  summarises the impact and conclusions of the six professional development sessions held over the autumn. Critically there was 100% commitment to sharing the maps and ideas, and a clear ask for more maps and photos. This page is being posted up following increased requests for the resources shared through the training.   [gallery type="slideshow" link="none" size="medium" ids="1600,1594,1595,1596,1597,1598,1586,1587,1599,1588,1589,1590,1591,1592,1593,1585,1583,1584,1582"] This activity was funded by Hackney Council's Public Health team as part of it's ongoing commitment to reduce the numbers of children who are overweight or obese. It was the brainchild of Kathryn Scott, Public Health Strategist and Outdoor People were very glad to get involved back in April when we started scoping out the first set of maps to publish through Hackney Today. It was great to conclude with a meeting of the Children's Centre Managers on the 10/12 where almost all knew about the resource. Next week will see Clapton Park and Mapledene leading their own walks with parents, and in the new year several more centres and services are looking to follow suit. The discussions about play memories with staff that have grown up here provoked particular debate. Universally they were out playing independently in groups by the age of 7 - 9, but they won't let their children in that age bracket out, one parent of a 12 year old still saying she is reluctant. If professionals who work with children and know the importance of outdoor play are not able to support independent adventures, then we've a long way to go with the population at large. Everyone involved said they felt far more aware of the barriers now - and the solutions.

Main barriers to playing and exploring outdoors (here in Hackney)

  • Fear of rain/bad weather was mentioned most often!
  • Traffic!!! Of course;
  • Fear of strangers (Maybe surprisingly this didn't come out that often);
  • Fear of kids joining criminal gangs;
  • Fear of kids being attacked/mugged;
  • Fear of being thought a bad mother;
  • Fear of getting clothes dirty;
  • Not having the right clothes;
  • Not being fit enough;
  • Laziness;
  • Animals (dogs mentioned a lot, but also spiders, worms, foxes);
  • Think children prefer being on the computer; and
  • Not aware of what is available on the doorstep.
It was interesting quite how many participants that had lived or worked in an area were unaware of the facilities within a 2 km journey. For instance there was only low level awareness of the adventure playgrounds, and everyone discovered new pocket parks, plants and street art.

Main solutions to get outdoors (here in Hackney)

  • More maps with ideas of where to start from
  • Little pocket size books
  • Photos of stuff to spot on the way
  • Access to cheap outdoors clothes (umbrellas, waterproofs, wellies, hats, gloves, waterproof trousers)
  • Tell parents (and schools/childminders! the very real benefits:
    • reduce likelihood of allergies by getting dirty
    • increased things to talk about and fun to have with your child
    • children sleep and eat better
    • getting to know your neighbours
    • happier children
    • and happier, calmer parents too!
  • Get involved in Hackney's Play Streets and close your street for play!
  • Get signage made enticing people to
    • Get ON the grass!
    • Play ball games here!
    • Play property area!
    • Den making spaces
    • how many birds can you spot?
    • Only 2km to...
The universal feedback from the 58 participants and the many parents and Hackney residents that have taken the maps at markets and cafes is that they are a great resource that will encourage them to explore a bit further. They would like to see more maps, and more shared photos of what they can see on the routes, maybe in little books. This has been a great first big project for Outdoor People to get involved in, and we look forward to supporting many more kids and families get outdoors, explore and enjoy #wildtime in the future! Have a wild day!