Hackney Wild Walks Workshop
Come and join like minded professionals, community leaders and volunteers who work with Hackney families and children on a journey around some of the wild places in Hackney, with discussion and workshop time to:
Each workshop will be 2.5 hours long, with a short session at a local Children's Centre to start, followed by a 1.5 hour walk, and short session at the end of the walk. There will be opportunity throughout the walk to develop ideas and skills to help you either lead walks with children yourself - whatever the weather! - or to encourage and support Hackney families and children to try them out independently. We will be joined by three to five children and their parents for the walk itself.
Here are some of the participants so far!
[gallery type="slideshow" size="medium" ids="1006,1012,996,990,980,981,994,1010"]
This activity is sponsored by Hackney's Public Health team and is designed to help you achieve your targets around reducing obesity and sedentary behaviour. It also supports community development, increased environmental awareness and improved mental wellbeing. There is an added objective to increase the numbers of children simply playing outdoors and making best use of Hackney's public spaces.
Everyone attending will receive a small resource pack, including practical items such as a risk-benefit assessment template, suggested clothing and ideas for games and activities to help you encourage more kids to do these walks and explore other spaces.
The remaining two workshops are FREE but spaces are limited. Please book your place, or register your interest on the form below:
[contact-form][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Role and organisation' type='text' required='1'/][contact-field label='Contact phone' type='text'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Which Workshop would you like to join?' type='radio' required='1' options='12 Nov 9:30am Hackney Marsh / Kingsmead 2 (Start Clapton Park Children%26#039;s Centre),24 Nov 9:30am Haggerston / Hoxton (Start Ann Taylor Children%26#039;s Centre)'/][contact-field label='What resource would help you most in supporting families to explore Hackney?' type='text'/][contact-field label='Why do you think is it important for kids to be outdoors? ' type='text'/][contact-field label='Any questions/comments? What dates are prefarable (will confirm asap)' type='text'/][/contact-form]
Participants are all requested to follow the training with:
- Develop (and share) your skills and in getting Hackney families and children outdoors and active independently
- Develop (and share) your skills in encouraging ALL Hackney families to make best use of our hidden treasures
- Learn about Hackney’s wild places
- Deepen your understanding and appreciation of the nature, history and geography of these areas
- Build confidence in leading outdoor walks with young children year round - including undertaking risk:benefit assessments

- A commitment to take or encourage at least 10 children (plus responsible adults) to do the walks over the next three months
- A commitment to share the stories and experiences, including photos, of families and children (where appropriate and possible) with the Public Health Team and Outdoor People to be used to further promote Wild Walks in Hackney and help the team understand the impact of this project.