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Family Wild Walks, Outdoor Family Camping -

Everyone that supports us, whether its by taking the surveydonating or simply sharing our campaigning tweetsposts and ‘grams, will have the extra joy of knowing they are helping kids play outside in nature this summer. 

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10 minute reads, London National Park City Schools, Research, School -

As head teachers in the UK wrestle with the whether, when and how of reopening their schools, they are having to drastically rethink the school day and the learning environment. In this article, written by Cath Prisk for the London National Park City Schools Network, we consider how getting outdoors could offer some potential solutions.

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2 minute reads, Blog, Coronavirus, Nature connection -

In the UK, we're now required to limit outdoors time to once a day, alone or with a family group. But what do you do when you can't leave home? In the second of our guest blogs, Valentina, one of our Wild Walk Volunteer Leaders, shows how it's still possible to get a nature fix without stepping outside...

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Coronavirus, Family Wild Walks, Homeschooling -

"By 3:45 in the afternoon of the first day, I was shattered. Bone weary shattered and unable to move from the couch for an hour while I re-collected myself.  The good news is every day has gotten better, and now that we’re all in a UK-wide crash course in homeschooling, I thought I’d share my hard won knowledge with you - only because I’m a few days ahead of most families in this journey."

Read about one Hackney-based single parent's journey navigating home-schooling for the first time...

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Has the sudden spring weather made you long for that lazy summer holiday? Or think about the three - yes three! - bank holiday weekends coming up?

Over the last ten years I've taken my brother's kids away at least a couple of times, often with some other friends and their kids, so we can all get away from the noise and enjoy that sensation of cold dew on flip-flopped feet...

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